What are the features of RTOApply?

1Application Pages

The RTOApply platform comes with many standard pages, covering the needs of most RTOs, whether they focus on short courses, skill sets or Certificate and Diploma courses. DevCloud can work with training organisations to develop and implement custom pages, if required. All pages can be customised using headers, page blurbs and merge fields.


Standard pages include:


a general page to give applicants relevant information.


collects detailed AVETMISS data over several pages, making data entry easier (including the USI!).


allows the applicant to upload images or documents to prove their identity.


uses a payment gateway to collect real-time payments, if required.


displays terms and conditions and collects a signature from the applicant.


collects personal details.


different pages for states that require special data to be collected.

Expression of interest

captures expressions of interest in a particular course.


a standard set of LLN questions.

Quality indicators

spreads out the various quality indicator questions, making it easier for applicants to complete them.


collection, validation and verification of a student's USI

Victorian Eligibility

student based questions based on the latest SVTS templates

2 Review Pages

The RTOApply platform allows for the implementation of review forms. Staff can review an application and easily record any notes or decisions.

Standard review pages include:

Pre-Enrolment review

record notes and decisions on eligibility for a course.

LLN review

a place to record the results of an applicant’s LLN.

Student eligibility in Victoria

trainer or staff based questions from the latest SVTS templates.

Certificate review

a simple review page to force a review to be performed by staff before processing.

Review pages


The final step in the life cycle of an application is processing. Relevant data is collected from the application and sent to other linked systems – usually a Student Management System (SMS) and a Learning Management System (LMS). Another option is a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system.



RTOApply has several points where different workflows can be triggered. Typical workflows include sending emails to staff and students and changing the status of an application to allow for other actions to be completed.

Once things are in order, the RTOApply workflow continues. There is also a backend workflow and review system for RTO staff to use. Custom workflows can be implemented if required.


To learn more about RTOApply, get in touch today.    Contact Us